Papers Conference: Zengyoren Regional Conference on Insurance and Credit for Sustainable Fisheries Development in Asia. Tokyo (Japan), 11-15 Nov 1996

Zengyoren Regional Conference on Insurance and Credit for Sustainable Fisheries Development in Asia

Tokyo (Japan), 11-15 Nov 1996

Organized by

ZENGYOREN (National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives in Japan)

In collaboration with

Fisheries Agency Minisitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
APRACA (Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association)

Table of Contents

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Provisional agenda and timetable
Provisional list of documents

Provisional list of participants
Guidelines for development of fisheries insurances schemes in developing countries

Country Status Report

Insurance and credit facilities for the fishing industry in Malaysia
Current practices in fisheries and aquaculture insurance in the Philippines and future plans
Insurance and credit for sustainable fisheries development - Sri Lanka's experience
Fishery insurance needs in Vietnam
Fishery insurance and credit practices in Bangladesh
Fisheries in India

Resource Papers

An outline of fishery cooperative insurance in Japan
An outline of the Japanese fishery mutual insurance programme
An outline of the fishing vessel insurance programme
Overview of institutional finance (government-programmed loans) for fisheries in Japan
The small and medium scale fisheries credit guarantee and insurance systems in Japan
Insurance schemes for the Norwegian fishing fleet
The role of insurance in sustainable fisheries development in Finland

Information Papers

Fisheries and Fisheries cooperative in Japan
Cooperatives Fisheries Insurance in the Republic of Korea
Regional review of the fisheries situation and outlook in South and Southeast Asia
FAO's involvement in credit and the emerging importance in risk management and insurance
Aquaculture and risk management
Glossary of terms in insurance